
Alexander Neumann


  • The Low Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Heritability of Plasma and Saliva Cortisol Levels
  • Combined polygenic risk scores of different psychiatric traits predict general and specific psychopathology in childhood
  • Time-Dependent Effects of Exposure to Physical and Sexual Violence on Psychopathology Symptoms in Late Childhood: In Search of Sensitive Periods in Development
  • General Psychopathology in Children
  • Association between DNA methylation and ADHD symptoms from birth to school age: a prospective meta-analysis
  • Maternal depression during pregnancy and cord blood DNA methylation: findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children
  • A genome-wide association study of total child psychiatric problems scores
  • Epigenome-wide change and variation in DNA methylation from birth to late adolescence
  • Genome-wide association study of 23,500 individuals identifies 7 loci associated with brain ventricular volume
  • Prenatal Maternal Stress and Child IQ
  • Combined polygenic risk scores of different psychiatric traits predict general and specific psychopathology in childhood
  • Interaction of schizophrenia polygenic risk and cortisol level on pre-adolescent brain structure
  • General psychopathology, internalising and externalising in children and functional outcomes in late adolescence
  • Risk of Depression in the Adolescent and Adult Offspring of Mothers With Perinatal Depression
  • Parental Age and Offspring Childhood Mental Health: A Multi‐Cohort, Population‐Based Investigation
  • Depression as an adaptation: The infection – defense hypothesis and cytokine mechanisms
  • Polygenic Risk Scores for Developmental Disorders, Neuromotor Functioning During Infancy, and Autistic Traits in Childhood
  • White Matter Microstructure and the General Psychopathology Factor in Children
  • Maternal Prenatal Mood, Pregnancy-Specific Worries, and Early Child Psychopathology: Findings From the DREAM BIG Consortium
  • Epigenome-wide contributions to individual differences in childhood phenotypes: a GREML approach
  • Phenome-wide investigation of health outcomes associated with genetic predisposition to loneliness
  • Rare variants in IFFO1, DTNB, NLRC3 and SLC22A10 associate with Alzheimer’s disease CSF profile of neuronal injury and inflammation
  • Rare variants in IFFO1, DTNB and NLRC3 associate with Alzheimer’s disease CSF profile of neuronal injury and inflammation
  • Multivariate GWAS of Alzheimer’s disease CSF biomarker profiles implies GRIN2D in synaptic functioning
  • A genome-wide association study of total child psychiatric problems scores
  • Epigenome-wide contributions to individual differences in childhood phenotypes: A GREML approach
  • Schizophrenia polygenic risk is associated with child mental health problems through early childhood adversity: evidence for a gene–environment correlation
  • Prenatal maternal antidepressants, anxiety, and depression and offspring DNA methylation: epigenome-wide associations at birth and persistence into early childhood
  • Genetic association study of childhood aggression across raters, instruments, and age
  • Genome-wide Association Meta-analysis of Childhood and Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms
  • Prenatal and Childhood Adverse Events and Child Brain Morphology: A Population-Based Study
  • Variation in the SERPINA6/SERPINA1 locus alters morning plasma cortisol, hepatic corticosteroid binding globulin expression, gene expression in peripheral tissues, and risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Meta-analysis of epigenome-wide associations between DNA methylation at birth and childhood cognitive skills
  • DNA methylation and general psychopathology in childhood: An epigenome-wide meta-analysis from the PACE consortium
  • Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Heritability of a General Psychopathology Factor in Children
  • Predicting hair cortisol levels with hair pigmentation genes: a possible hair pigmentation bias
  • Association between DNA methylation and ADHD symptoms from birth to school age: A prospective meta-analysis
  • Epigenomics of being bullied: changes in DNA methylation following bullying exposure
  • Mendelian randomisation approaches to the study of prenatal exposures: A systematic review.
  • DNA methylation and general psychopathology in childhood: an epigenome-wide meta-analysis from the PACE consortium
  • Neurobiological, Psychosocial, and Behavioral Mechanisms Mediating Associations Between Physical Activity and Psychiatric Symptoms in Youth in the Netherlands
  • The bidirectional relationship between brain structure and physical activity: a cohort study in the UK Biobank
  • Whole‐exome rare‐variant analysis of Alzheimer's disease and related biomarker traits
  • Epigenetics applied to child and adolescent mental health: Progress, challenges and opportunities
  • Air pollution exposure during pregnancy and childhood, APOE ε4 status and Alzheimer polygenic risk score, and brain structural morphology in preadolescents
  • Physical activity levels and brain structure in middle-aged and older adults: a bidirectional longitudinal population-based study
  • Epigenome-wide associations between observed maternal sensitivity and offspring DNA methylation: a population-based prospective study in children
  • General Psychopathology in Children : Epidemiological Studies of Biological Mechanisms
  • Epigenome-wide change and variation in DNA methylation in childhood: trajectories from birth to late adolescence
  • Continuity of Genetic Risk for Aggressive Behavior Across the Life-Course
  • DNA methylation at birth and lateral ventricular volume in childhood: a neuroimaging epigenetics study
  • Multivariate GWAS of Alzheimer's disease CSF biomarker profiles implies GRIN2D in synaptic functioning
  • Exposure to prenatal infection and the development of internalizing and externalizing problems in children: a longitudinal population‐based study
  • Epigenetic timing effects on child developmental outcomes: A longitudinal meta-regression of findings from the Pregnancy And Childhood Epigenetics Consortium
  • The bidirectional relationship between brain structure and physical activity
  • Examining longitudinal associations between prenatal exposure to infections and child brain morphology
  • Prenatal exposure to common infections and newborn DNA methylation
  • Characterising developmental dynamics of adult epigenetic clock sites
  • Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of prenatal vitamin D insufficiency and cord blood DNA methylation
  • Running in the FAMILY

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