- Control of transonic cavity flow instability by streamwise air injection
- The acoustic resonance of rectangular and cylindrical cavities
- Comparison of optimized high-order finite-difference schemes for computational aeroacoustics
- Organized streamwise vorticity on convex surfaces with particular reference to turbine blades
- Design and testing of transonic linear cascade tunnel with optimized slotted walls
- Non-uniform central airways ventilation model based on vascular segmentation
- Encounters with vortices in a turbine nozzle passage
- Modeling the Nonlinear Motion of the Rat Central Airways
- Wave scattering by many small bodies and applications
- Regressing the size and cost of turbulent cavity flow simulations
- Linear stability analysis of the flow between rotating cylinders of wide gap
- Design optimization workflow and performance analysis for contoured endwalls of axial turbines
- Effect of a Recirculating Type Casing Treatment on a Highly Loaded Axial Compressor Rotor
- Numerical Optimization of a Stall Margin Enhancing Recirculation Channel for an Axial Compressor
- Physically Consistent Implementation of the Mixture Model for Modelling Nanofluid Conjugate Heat Transfer in Minichannel Heat Sinks
- Numerical study of flow separation control over a circular hump using synthetic jet actuators
- Thermo-hydraulic performance of a circular microchannel heat sink using swirl flow and nanofluid
- Numerical analysis on the thermal performance of microchannel heat sinks with Al2O3 nanofluid and various fins
- Time-dependent prediction of the unsteady pressure near-field from an under-expanded jet
- Measurements of base pressure and energy separation on a circular cylinder in subsonic cross flow
- Encounters with vortices in a turbine nozzle passage
- A selective review of CFD transition models
- A numerical validation of a high-order finite-difference compact scheme for computational aeroacoustics
- Boundary layer trips for low reynolds number wind tunnel tests
- Stability modes in vortex structure formation: Canonical examples for rotating components
- Modelling under-expanded jet screech by ILES
- Streamwise and crossflow instabilities on inclined circular cylinders
- Towards a monotonicity-preserving inviscid wall boundary condition for aeroacoustics
- Implementation of a high-order finite difference scheme to model wave propagation
- A selective overview of high-order finite difference schemes for aeroacoustic applications
- Investigation of streamwise and transverse instabilities on swept cylinders and implications for turbine blading
- Investigation of streamwise and transverse instabilities on swept cylinders and implications for turbine blading
- The role of the inflow momentum thickness in subsonic cylindrical cavity noise generation
- On the generation of the mean velocity profile for turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradient under equilibrium conditions
- The persistence of vortex structures between rotating cylinders in the 106 Taylor number range
- Stationary and traveling vortical structures on swept cylinders and turbine blades
- Generation of a turbulent boundary layer inflow for RANS simulations
- Performance of slotted end wall linear cascade tunnels at off-design conditions
- The radiating pressure field of a turbulent cylindrical cavity flow
- Noise sources from a cylindrical cavity
- Base pressure measurements on a circular cylinder in subsonic cross flow
- PIV study of the flow across the meridional plane of rotating cylinders with wide gap
- Some canonical examples of streamwise vortex structure for rotating components
- Generalized Coles' law and outer layer conformal mapping
- Performance margins of non-reflecting slotted walls in a transonic linear cascade tunnel
- An analytical model for over-shroud leakage losses in a shrouded turbine stage
- Streamwise and crossflow vortical structures on turbine blades and swept cylinders
- Measurements of fluctuating pressures on a circular cylinder in subsonic crossflow
- The Three-Dimensional Velocity Distribution of Wide Gap Taylor-Couette Flow Modelled by CFD
- Optimised prefactored compact schemes for linear wave propagation phenomena
- The effect of trailing edge geometry on cavity flow oscillation driven by a supersonic shear layer
- Experimental and numerical study of the non-uniform total temperature in a turbulent mach 0.6 vortex street
- Open cavity instability models in laminar flow using uniform and non-uniform computational grids
- Time accurate numerical study of turbulent supersonic jets
- Non-uniform total temperature in a turbulent vortex street
- POD analysis of cavity flow instability
- A flow-resonant model of transonic laminar open cavity instability
- Time dependent flow prediction using a multigrid approach
- Slot width augmentation in a slotted-wall transonic linear cascade wind tunnel
- Injection parameters for an effective passive control of cavity flow instability
- An observation of pressure waves around a shallow cavity
- Wall interference in the discharge flow in a linear cascade wind tunnel
- Attenuation of cavity flow oscillation through leading edge flow control
- Energy separation in a compressible vortex street
- Jet screech source model by CFD and acoustic analogy
- Wave reflection on porous walls: Numerical modelling and application to transonic wind tunnels
- Energy separation and base pressure in the wake of a circular cylinder
- A workflow for designing contoured axisymmetric nozzles for enhancing additively manufactured cold spray deposits