Associate Professor in Urban Planning (Built environment and design)
Melbourne, Australia
- https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=M75gsBoAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
- ‘Rethinking the way we practice our professions’: social-ecological resilience for built environment professionals
- People will drink recycled water - Just keep them in the loop
- Development control within catchments
- Recycled water: Perceptions of colour and odour
- Sustainable urban water management under a changing climate: The role of spatial planning
- Urban versus regional - How public attitudes to recycled water differ in these contexts
- University curriculum development - stuck in a process and how to break free
- Public acceptance and perceptions of alternative water sources: A comparative study in nine locations
- A local coastal adaptation pathway
- Barriers to climate change adaptation in the Australian construction industry – Impetus for regulatory reform
- Drinking water from alternative water sources: Differences in beliefs, social norms and factors of perceived behavioural control across eight Australian locations
- The development of policy pertaining to potable water supply catchment areas in Victoria, Australia
- Australians' water conservation behaviours and attitudes
- Barriers to climate change adaption in the Australian property industry
- Local values and fairness in climate change adaptation: Insights from marginal rural Australian communities
- Does water context influence behaviour and attitudes to water conservation?
- Continuing Education for Climate Change: A Study of Australian Urban Planners’ Current Practices and Developing Competence
- Water experts' perception of risk for new and unfamiliar water projects
- Conclusion
- Flood and Fire and Famine
- Water alternatives-who and what influences public acceptance?
- Acceptance of water alternatives in Australia – 2009
- Branding water
- Accreditation of Australian urban planners: building knowledge and competence
- Newspaper coverage of water issues in Australia
- Understanding behaviour to inform water supply management in developed nations – A review of literature, conceptual model and research agenda
- The effect of information on public acceptance – The case of water from alternative sources
- Urban planning and sustainable adaptation to sea-level rise
- Water conservation behavior in Australia
- Time stories: Making sense of futures in anticipation of sea-level rise
- Voluntary relocation – An exploration of Australian attitudes in the context of drought, recycled and desalinated water
- Barriers to implementing water efficiency practices in the built environment: The case of Melbourne and Bendigo, Australia
- When public opposition defeats alternative water projects – The case of Toowoomba Australia
- Establishing components of community satisfaction with recycled water use through a structural equation model
- Water supply in regional Victoria Australia: A review of the water cartage industry and willingness to pay for recycled water
- What affects public acceptance of recycled and desalinated water?
- The social values at risk from sea-level rise
- Responding to environmental challenges: an initial assessment of higher education curricula needs by Australian planning professionals
- Household use of and satisfaction with alternative water sources in Victoria Australia
- Towards fair local outcomes in adaptation to sea-level rise
- Community acceptance of recycled water: can we inoculate the public against scare campaigns?
- The role of spatial planning in adapting to climate change
- Corrigendum to “What affects public acceptance of recycled and desalinated water?” [Water Res. 45 (2) (2011) pp. 933–943]
- Chapter 13 Desalinated Versus Recycled Water: What Does the Public Think?
- A Plan to Push Limits? Investigating the ecologically sustainable development dimensions of Melbourne's Central Region sustainable water strategy
- Urban Australians using recycled water for domestic non-potable use—An evaluation of the attributes price, saltiness, colour and odour using conjoint analysis
- Local values for fairer adaptation to sea-level rise: A typology of residents and their lived values in Lakes Entrance, Australia
- Is the Australian construction industry prepared for climate change?
- Is climate change in the curriculum? An analysis of Australian urban planning degrees
- Climate change transformation: A definition and typology to guide decision making in urban environments
- Attitudes to reclaimed water for domestic use: Part 2. Trust
- Pricing of drinking water VS recycled water: Fairness and satisfaction
- Contingent valuation by the community of indirect benefits of using recycled water: An Australian case study
- Attitudes to reclaimed water for domestic use: Part 1. Age
- Charting a new course for water-is black water reuse sustainable?
- What attributes of recycled water make it fit for residential purposes? The Mawson Lakes experience
- Attitudes to future use of recycled water in a Bendigo office building
- Time for a Water Re-‘Vision’
- Water, Water, Everywhere—Which Drop Should be Drunk?
- Is recycled water use risky? An Urban Australian community’s perspective
- Time for a Water Re-‘Vision’
- Transforming the agency and influence of landscape architects in climate change actions: An empirical analysis of barriers and facilitators
- Towards the transformation of cities: A built environment process map to identify the role of key sectors and actors in producing the built environment across life stages
- Delivery or desirability of benefits? Predicting the effectiveness of egoistic and altruistic message appeals for recycled water use
- Climate change preparedness across sectors of the built environment – A review of literature
- Local values and fairness in climate change adaptation
- Climate Change and Risk to Real Estate
- Advancing capacity to adapt to climate change: addressing information needs in the Australian property industry
- Climate change frontrunners in the Australian property sector
- Urban planning policy must do more to integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation actions
- Communicating About Water Security Under a Changing Climate
- Framing sustainable urban water management: A critical analysis of theory and practice
- Barriers to and facilitators of climate change action in architecture practice
- Better policy to support climate change action in the built environment: A framework to analyse and design a policy portfolio
- Climate change transformation in built environments – A policy instrument framework
- Australian urban designers’ experience of barriers and enablers to climate change action
- A framework for climate change curriculum redevelopment within built environment professional degrees
- Installing solar panels on heritage buildings: an Australian case study reveals a vexed issue