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E Toe Sasa'a Le Fafao; Return to Paradise

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posted on 2021-11-15, 12:27 authored by Feaunati, Carinnya

Following the devastating tsunami of 2009 in Samoa many villages on the south coast of the main island Upolu were left in ruins, one such site is the heritage rich village of Sa’anapu. Five years on, the coastal front village is still in a state of ruin and the imminent risk of future tsunami have seen the relocation of families inland; away from the sea, the resourceful mangrove and their historically significant Fale Tele that once housed their ancestors. Many families who have rebuilt inland have inevitably abandoned their traditionally constructed homes on the beach front and opted for western influenced dwellings. This is due to high costs, traditional skill shortage and an underlying notion of the western influence that impedes small pacific island nations today. Although the increasing foreign aid being injected into the country for community development is a positive move to rebuilding villages they bring a western architectural typology. With this comes an alarming decline in the traditional Samoan craft of construction, spatial constructs and ultimately the desire of the youth to retain their built heritage.  This design research argues that the rebuild process in devastated villages after a natural disaster presents a design opportunity to retain cultural practices in particular for a community in a heritage rich village. It also argues that culturally adapted and environmentally considerate design is vital in re-invigorating a displaced community but also encourages future sustainable development- culturally, economically and environmentally. The research tests a multi-disciplinary framework of environmental science and anthropology to inform the architecture of a hybrid master-guild carpentry and tattooing school. The scientific approach seeks to mitigate the risks and vulnerability of the site in relation to the natural environment whereas the anthropological approach has been the direct involvement of the Sa’anapu people through a sharing of knowledge, stories and aspirations for the future their village.


Copyright Date


Date of Award



Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington

Rights License

Author Retains Copyright

Degree Discipline


Degree Grantor

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington

Degree Level


Degree Name

Master of Architecture (Professional)

ANZSRC Type Of Activity code


Victoria University of Wellington Item Type

Awarded Research Masters Thesis



Alternative Language


Victoria University of Wellington School

School of Architecture


Abreu e Lima, Daniele