A representação dos judeus nas ilustrações da obra Cantigas de Santa Maria, do rei Afonso X de Leão e Castela (1252-1284).pdf (4.77 MB)

A representação dos judeus nas ilustrações da obra Cantigas de Santa Maria, do rei Afonso X de Leão e Castela (1252-1284)

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posted on 2021-04-17, 14:46 authored by Yuri Leonardo Rosa Stelmach
This research aims to analyze how the Jews are represented in the illustrations of the Cantigas de Santa Maria (CSM), a set of medieval poems written, illustrated and musical in the court of the King Afonso X of Castile and Leon in the second half of the XIII century. In this context, although tolerated, those individuals lived under stigma and social marginalization, as well as they were targets of accusations based on anti-Jewish myths and stereotypes. The methodology used in this research consists of na interpretative analysis of the images presented in the CSM and which constitute the corpus of study, to which the following authors and their respective contributions are adopted: (a) Montenegro (1998), with his study on the representation of Jews in medieval Spain and the theological, political, cultural and social arguments that configured the anti-Jewish repertoire of the period; (b) Barral (2007), with his study on the representation of Jews in the Cantigas de Santa Maria, centered on the dialectical relationship between text and iconography; (c) Disalvo (2009), author who discusses typological and figurative elements in the representation of the Jewish individual. For the interpretation of those images, this research approaches the postulates of Schmitt (2007), according to which the pictorial image cannot be considered mere illustration of the text, but a support that has its own resources of representation, which amplify or compress textual aspects. In addition, image analysis must take into account the socio-cultural context in which those productions are inserted. Therefore, from the analyzes carried out, it is assumed the importance of illustrations in the CSM, since it is by means of it that someone can identify a stereotypical iconographic lexicon of the Jews, which made use and reinforced anti-Jewish accusations in the XIII century.


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