Python and MATLAB Procedures for the Collocation of In-Situ and Remote Sensing Data
The following files are included in this archive: (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) The, (6) Aircraft_Collocation_Procedure.m, (7) haversine.m, and (8) importICARTT.m. Each procedure includes a description of the purpose of the procedure, a description of the required inputs, and a summary of the outputs of each procedure. NOTE: The .m and the .py procedures were designed for MATLAB 2022b and python3 (3.8.2-0ubuntu2), respectively.
1) The file contains a python3 procedure that is used to take two independent data sets and find a maximum number of collocated segments within a desired temporal and spatial separation.
2) The is a python3 file contains a python3 procedure that is used to read International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation (ICARTT v2) files into a python3 dictionary.
3) The file contains a python3 procedure that serves as an example of how to take the multidimensional collocation mask generated for the ACTIVATE datasets and apply them with an additional spatio-temporal constraint to generate perform a validation study.
4) The file contains python3 procedures for reading the HSRL-2 and RSP data files from their *.h5 format into a python dictionary.
5) The file contains a python3 procedure that merges the HSRL-2 and RSP data products to calculate N_HSRL-RSP following the methods described in Schlosser et al. (2022).
6) The Aircraft_Collocation_Procedure.m file contains a MATLAB procedure that is used to take two independent data sets and find a maximum number of collocated segments within a desired temporal and spatial separation.
7) The haversine.m file contains a MATLAB procedure that is used to calculate the distance between two points that are defined by their latitude and longitude.
8) The importICARTT.m file contains a MATLAB procedure that is used to read International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation (ICARTT v2) files into a MATLAB structure.