The folder contains the formatted input data and code for the application of the migration estimation methods used in Abel & Cohen (2022). It consists of
1) Tidy versions of the United Nations bilateral migrant stock data,
demographic period measures for net migration, births and deaths and
demographic population totals. The input data is divided into three
i) demog.csv containing data on demographic change from WPP2019 in tidy format with columns for - period: five year period label - year0: initial year of five year period - name: country name - alpha3: country three letter alpha code - births_male: male births during period
- births_female: female births during period
- deaths_male: male deaths during period
- deaths_female: female deaths during period
- net_male: male net migration during period
- net_female: female net migration during period
ii) pop.csv containing data on population from WPP2019 in tidy format with columns for - year: year of time point - name: country name - alpha3: country three letter alpha code - pop_male: male population at time point
- pop_female: female population at time point
iii) stock.csv containing data on migrant stocks from IMS2020 in tidy format with columns for - por: place of residence of migrant stock at time point - pob: place of birth of migrant stock - year: year of time point - stock_male: male migrant stock at time point
- stock_female: female migrant stock at time point
2) An R script that given the three imported data sets a) cleans each to
find the countries with complete input data; b) calculates the native
population for the diagonal elements of the migrant stock data required
for some estimation methods; and c) estimates bilateral migration flows
for each method and period combination.
National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Program, Grant/Award Number: 41871142