5 files

Activity Labelling App

posted on 2022-08-06, 13:48 authored by Mohammud BocusMohammud Bocus

This Activity Labelling App was designed using the Matlab R2022a App Designer (MathWorks).

Usage Notes:

It was designed for providing ground truth labels for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) measurements.

This app allows a user to insert the desired labels for the human activities.

Then, during the HAR experiment, an observer looks at the participants performing a given activity and click on the appropriate button in the app to record the start and stop times of the activity.

Therefore, the measurements are labelled on the fly during the experiment itself.

All labels are stored as a .txt file along with their timestamps (with millisecond precision).

This privacy-friendly app can be used as an alternative to video ground truth (where the experiments need to be video-recorded and then manually labelled afterwards).

Directory file details:

(1) "Activity_Labelling_App.mlappinstall" (MATLAB App Installer)

(2) "ActivityLabellingAppInstaller_mcr.exe"

(3) "video_instructions.mp4" - video instructions to install the Activity Labelling App.

(4) "ALA_Snapshot.jpg"       - Snapshot of the Activity Labelling App window.


**Installation instructions:**


Operating software required:


(1) Users who have MATLAB software already installed on their device (WINDOWS machine), can install the "Activity_Labelling_App.mlappinstall" directly

by double-clicking on it and then choosing "Install". The newly installed app will be available under the "APPS" tab in MATLAB.


(2) Users who do not have MATLAB software installed on their device can run the standalone "ActivityLabellingAppInstaller_mcr.exe" installer and it will install all dependencies to run the app.


**Activity Labelling App usage instructions:**


(1) Launch the ActivityLabellingApp software.

(2) Choose the number of activities that require labelling through the drop down list in name field "No. of activities" (a maximum of 9 activities can be specified).

(3) Depending on the number of activities chosen in the previous step, the user will now be able to specify the desired activity labels in the fields denoted by "Label 1", "Label 2", etc.

(4) After filling in the desired activity labels (without spacing between words, underscore can be used), press the button marked by "Assign labels to buttons".

(5) The user will now see the chosen labels assigned to the coloured buttons in the middle of the window, depending on how many labels were specified.

(6) Choose the desired folder where the log file needs to be saved by clicking on the "Choose save folder" button.

(7) Specify a filename without any extension (file will be saved as .txt file at the chosen save path location).

(8) Click on the "Activity Labelling Buttons" and the table on the right of the window will be populated with the "Date", "Timestamp" and "Label" information.

(9) The log file will automatically be saved in the path chosen and will be appended on the fly, unless a new filename is specified and the information will be saved in the new .txt log file in this case.


1. Please note that when an Activity Button is pressed first time, nothing will appear in the table at first, however, the data will still be saved in the log file at the appropriate timestamp the button was pressed. 

When an Activity Button is pressed a second time, the previous data will appear normally, as well as any other subsequent data.

2. When the "RESET" button is pressed and the user choose "Yes", the app will be restarted with all fields cleared.

3. Clicking on the "EXIT" button will prompt the user to click "Yes" to close the app or "No" to continue using the app.

4. The user is required to specify a folder and filename for saving the log file before clicking on the Activity Buttons, else Matlab message dialog boxes will pop-up on the screen, instructing the user what needs to be done.

5. Depending on the no. of activities chosen, the user is required to fill all the label fields and then click "Assign labels to buttons", else a Matlab message dialog box will pop-up on the screen, instructing the user what needs to be done.



EPSRC, Grant EP/R018677/1.


Usage metrics



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