
Global SDG Cities Benchmarking Report 2022

Version 2 2024-10-18, 00:58
Version 1 2022-09-12, 06:15
posted on 2024-10-18, 00:58 authored by Jessie Briggs, Alexei TrundleAlexei Trundle, Julie Boulton, Michele AcutoMichele Acuto, Cameron Allen, John Thwaites

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide the overarching framework for international development. Agreed by all UN member states in 2015, they aim to address the grand challenges of our time, in doing so ‘leaving no-one behind’ while tackling the interconnected crises of global climate change, biodiversity collapse, health, and societal injustice and inequality. The SDGs for Melbourne Partnership was established to respond to these challenges by localising the SDGs for the City of Melbourne.

This Global SDG Benchmarking Report compares the City of Melbourne’s current SDG progress with:

  • 700+ member cities of SDSN Europe & SDSN USA
  • A subset of the 650+ cities reporting data to the OECD
  • 22 Australian municipalities, including each state and territory capital and 10 local government areas across Greater Melbourne.

In total more than 550 unique SDG-related indicators have been interrogated for this report.

Errata: An earlier version of this report had incorrect axis alignment for two of the variables in Figure 4 (updated 18/11/2024)


City of Melbourne Sustainable Development Goals localisation and Voluntary Local Review (Competitive Tender)
