1996 Motorcycle suit evaluation TNO TM-96-A038 ADA321531.pdf (838.06 kB)

Evaluation of a BMW motorcycle suit for use by the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (Beoordeling motorpak BMW ten behoeve van de Koninklijke Marechaussee)

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posted on 2017-05-18, 09:54 authored by George HavenithGeorge Havenith, J.A. Kistemaker
By request of DMKL, department BVC&PGU, a motorcycle suit brand BMW, which was adapted for use by the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, was tested for rain protection, cold protection (winter), heat load (summer), ergonomics and visibility. For this purpose the suit was exposed in a laboratory situation to rain combined with wind, to a climate of -8 degrees Centigrade with wind, and 27 degrees Centigrade with sun respectively. It was also evaluated for ergonomical design and visibility by two experts. For reasons of comparability with earlier tests, a reference suit, which was not under consideration for procurement, was tested together with the BMW suit. The BMW suit appeared to be of very good quality. For continuous use, the major problem was the Large water uptake of the suits outer layers. This can lead to strong cooling of the wearer. Improved water repellency and openings along the hem to let water escape from the space between outer layer and Goretex Liner may improve the situation. With the Z-liner construction used, this problem cannot completely be eliminated, however. Only a coated or laminated outer layer may succeed in this (as in the reference suit). A second problem with rain protection is the additional collar. This leaves too many openings, which results in water leakage into the suit. A large fixed collar, or a longer fixation zipper together with a wider overlap of the Velcro fastener should improve the water tightness. The cold protection of the suit was sufficient for the test duration. For Longer exposures (working day) or colder climatic circumstances, additional undergarments are necessary. This should be considered when the users select the sizes.


This research was funded by Human Factors Research Inst. TNO Soesterberg (Netherlands)



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HAVENITH, G. and KISTEMAKER, J.A., 1996. Evaluation of a BMW motorcycle suit for use by the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (Beoordeling motorpak BMW ten behoeve van de Koninklijke Marechaussee). Soesterberg: TNO Human Factors Research Inst.


Human Factors Research Inst. TNO Soesterberg (Netherlands)


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This is an official report. The abstract is in English but the full text is in Dutch.

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