sxh_historydepartment.pdf (1.8 MB)

Sheng Xuanhuai Archive: A Digital Collection for Research and Experiment in CUHK Library 中文大學文物館藏盛宣懷檔案網路電子版: 研究與嘗試

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posted on 2018-12-10, 01:46 authored by Jeff LiuJeff Liu

The talk will provide the background on the digitization of over 13,000 pieces of valuable correspondences of Sheng Xuanhuai (盛宣懷SXH) held by the Art Museum. About 4 years ago, a team of expert was engaged to transcribe all the letters in the SXH collection. The transcription work has completed this summer and the Library has managed to ingest all images and full text on to the Library’s Digital Repository. In addition to introducing key discovery features developed for this initial phase, potential of the SXH Archive for digital humanities will be addressed and participants will be invited to comment on the potential of the SXH digital archive for teaching and research.
