druskat_cw21_lightning-talk-survey-v2.pdf (284.33 kB)

SSI Collaborations Workshop 2021 - Lightning talk - Stephan Druskat

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Version 2 2021-03-29, 08:17
Version 1 2021-03-28, 10:04
posted on 2021-03-29, 08:17 authored by Stephan Druskat
Presentation for a lightning talk presented on 2021-03-28 at the Software Sustainability Institute's Collaborations Workshop 2021 (online).

In my PhD work I want to analyze research software, but what is research software anyway? Instead of tackling this issue via a formal definition, I try to look at what the data says and build a corpus of research software from software mentions in papers across disciplines, that I can then use in my work and provide to the community. I'd also like to grow this corpus by crowdsourcing examples of research software in the wild, and would like to learn about successful crowdsourcing methods that can yield usable data, and what metadata would support different research questions the community is interested in.
