pbio.3002546.s001.pptx (159.34 kB)

Reproducibility of biological replicates for exoproteome characterization.

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posted on 2024-03-11, 17:42 authored by Cristina Sarasa-Buisan, Jesús A. G. Ochoa de Alda, Cristina Velázquez-Suárez, Miguel Ángel Rubio, Guadalupe Gómez-Baena, María F. Fillat, Ignacio Luque

Scatter plots showing the correlation between the normalized protein intensities (log2 transformed) of the 2 biological replicates of Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 (WT) (A) and Δzur strain (B). Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R2) is shown. The data underlying this figure can be found in S1 Data.

