2016 Integrating Receptive & Productive Skills (ICTTE) - HARITS MASDUQI.pdf (431.44 kB)

Integrating Receptive Skills and Productive Skills into a Reading Lesson

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posted on 2020-11-28, 09:55 authored by Harits MasduqiHarits Masduqi
English teachers in Indonesia have been familiar with the notion of receptive skills (reading and listening) and of productive skills (speaking and writing). Most of them, however, have not realised that integrating receptive and productive skills into an English lesson is important for their students to achieve lesson aims. This paper addresses how to implement teaching stages covering those skills in a reading lesson. The writer elaborates teaching stages which include eliciting ideas, highlighting lexis and their meanings, predicting text, ordering jumbled paragraphs, listening, reading comprehension, and acting out the story/speaking. The writer expects the audience to realise that integrating receptive and productive skills into an English lesson is feasible and valuable to measure whether or not the students have achieved the lesson aims.
