
Bayesian Divergence-Time Estimation Lecture

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Version 9 2024-05-27, 18:46
Version 8 2023-05-29, 13:10
Version 7 2023-01-17, 15:44
Version 6 2022-05-30, 12:42
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Version 4 2019-08-04, 19:47
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Version 2 2019-01-28, 10:08
Version 1 2018-07-22, 20:10
posted on 2024-05-27, 18:46 authored by Tracy HeathTracy Heath
A lecture on Bayesian divergence-time estimation by Tracy A. Heath (

Some content is from other authors and credited where necessary.

This lecture is given at various workshops on molecular evolution and phylogenetics. I provide background on the theory and application of Bayesian divergence-time estimation methods.


NSF DBI-1759909 and NSF DEB-1556615
