15 minute introduction to Diversity and Inclusion for workplaces.pdf (4.14 MB)

15 minute introduction to Diversity and Inclusion for workplaces

Download (4.14 MB)
Version 11 2022-01-27, 08:16
Version 10 2021-10-16, 04:19
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Version 4 2021-10-14, 09:23
Version 3 2021-10-13, 21:45
Version 2 2021-10-13, 12:00
Version 1 2021-10-13, 11:46
posted on 2022-01-27, 08:16 authored by Rowland MosbergenRowland Mosbergen
There is still a lack of understanding and clarity on what diversity looks like within an organisation, and how that can be achieved on a practical basis.

This is a 15 minute presentation to explain some of the key elements in the longer workshop:

Mosbergen, Rowland (2021): Improving Diversity and Inclusion in Senior Leadership: A workshop to help recruit diverse senior leaders. figshare. Presentation.
