
Side-effects of public health policies against Covid-19: the story of an over-reaction

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Version 3 2021-06-06, 09:55
Version 2 2021-04-12, 17:13
Version 1 2021-01-28, 19:28
posted on 2021-01-28, 19:28 authored by Edouard LansiauxEdouard Lansiaux, Noé Tchagaspanian, Juliette Arnaud, Pierre Durand, Mark Changizi, Joachim Forget

Let us all take a moment to talk, once again, about this new coronavirus pandemic that the world has been facing since November 2019 and about its global response. After a short period marked by the pandemic underestimation risk by most governments, the Western world went nuts and overreacted, most probably so as not to be accused of inaction. In many cases, the overall benefits of the chosen policies were not sufficiently questioned, which resulted in many side effects on global health .

The medical motto “primum non nocere”, a moral principle everyone should at least consider following, was evidently not taken into account. It has been overlooked, and the virus has become an obsession, to the extent that nearly everything else, even the most valuable things in life, is still now under appreciated if not simply ignored. This review highlighted facts against this simplistic, one-dimensional view.
