Caetano_et_al_BOD2019.pdf (3.72 MB)

The multiple roles of feedback in GTPB bioinformatics training courses

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Version 4 2019-02-18, 22:05
Version 3 2019-02-18, 22:05
Version 2 2019-02-18, 16:39
Version 1 2019-02-18, 16:29
posted on 2019-02-18, 22:05 authored by alexandra Caetano, Miguel Cardoso, Daniel Faria, Pedro FernandesPedro Fernandes

The multiple roles of feedback in GTPB bioinformatics training courses

In Face-to-Face training courses there are multiple opportunities for collecting valuable feedback. Instant feedback is elicited by questioning the audience during the course to gauge the effectiveness of the learning in various aspects, reflecting on the comfort of the learner in using new skills without help (usage independence). On top of allowing for immediate corrections in the delivery, the answers allow the instructors to pay special attention to learners in difficulty. After the course, a standardised feedback questionnaire collects qualitative and quantitative data, aiming at the evaluation of course quality, adequacy of the methods and immediate impact. GTPB courses have been systematically recording post-course short term feedback for the last 12 years.


