
Helmholtz Open Science Office - Shaping the PID Landscape in Germany and Beyond

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posted on 2020-02-07, 11:26 authored by Paul VierkantPaul Vierkant, Roland Bertelmann

Since 2005 the Helmholtz Open Science Office is supporting scientists as well as their respective Helmholtz Centres in the implementation of open science. Services such as the Helmholtz Open Science Newsletter and the Helmholtz Open Science Workshops are only two examples of how the Helmholtz Open Science Office is providing information and advice about new developments, strategies, and ideas.
One example of the successful work is successful fostering policies for the institutional and research
data repositories that most Helmholtz Centres are running. These information infrastructures contain a significant and steadily growing share of the scientific works of the Helmholtz Association that will generate a considerable added value to science.
Complementing this informational approach the Helmholtz Open Science Office is an active partner in several research projects that aim at building and establishing open science services and standards such as re3data and ORCID.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
