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When I First Met My Father

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posted on 2024-06-05, 18:59 authored by Their Finest Hour Project Team

My father, Thomas Bowden, joined the Royal Artillery before the war, as No. 922200, Bren Gunner. His first posting was to Iceland Shore Batteries, but he was later recalled to become part of the 53rd Welsh Regiment. Coming from the East End of London, this did not go down well.

On his home leave, before going to join the Welsh Regiment, I remember him coming along our street and him gathering me in his arms, whereupon I noticed the Polar Bear insignia on his tunic sleeve. This was the first time we met. I was three years old, so my mother told me.

One day, while shopping, my mother was asked, "Have you heard from Tom?" My mother replied, "No, but I know where he is." On the BBC News, they had reported that the 53rd Welsh were fighting at S'Hertogenbosch, in Holland. I am told that this was the first time a battle had been reported on the BBC radio.

My father survived the war, having been wounded twice. He never spoke about his wartime experiences, and would not visit France after the conflict, believing it was still in ruins.


Person the story/items relate to

Thomas Bowden

Person who shared the story/items

Norman Bowden

Relationship between the subject of the story and its contributor

My father

Type of submission

Shared online via the Their Finest Hour project website.

Record ID