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Software project management

online resource
posted on 2021-04-02, 22:00 authored by TAMEEM HEZAMTAMEEM HEZAM
If you are a software developer, project manager, director of a software or technical institution, or you are a student or professor at the university, or from those outside the university walls, then this book is very suitable for you.
As it covers most of the academic and professional aspects in engineering and managing software projects, it also contains a large list of tools used in the management and design of software projects and also some models used in the framework and development of software projects
This book explains in detail the important aspects of managing and developing software projects and lists the basics. You are also now wondering what makes software projects succeed? The success of software projects requires more than an effective idea and a team of talented programmers. The project manager needs to know how to guide the team through the entire software project (the program). As there are common mistakes that occur in all software projects and also this book tries to list some tips to address the mistakes of programmers and novices that are frequently committed - fortunately all the tools used in managing Programming projects are available in book attachments so that you can download them if they are programs or modify them if they are models, and also explain them in a smooth and understandable manner to suit various categories of professionals or academics, especially beginners. It also contains the most simple methods that facilitate the understanding of the idea. It also provides you with tools, techniques and practices that you can use on your own projects right away. It also provides you with the information you need to diagnose team health and provides practical advice to help you achieve your goal of building better programs. These topics include: planning a software project, assisting the team in estimating workload, building a schedule, gathering software requirements and creating use cases, improving programming through rebuilding, unit testing and version control, managing an outsourced project, testing program, and it also contains Many references used in developing software projects.
This book explains, in the first chapter of it, the principles of project management and the stages of project construction, starting from the definition and proposal of the project to the delivery and maintenance, and also it includes many important stages in the project and tried as much as possible to list many tools and models in project management as well as risk management and the creation and design of document models Different project.
In the second chapter, the principles and fundamentals of software engineering and development and the definition of software, including the process of program production and software development models, it lists software problems and ways to solve them and explains in detail the software life cycle. It also explains engineering requirements in software engineering.
In the third chapter, it explains the principles and basics of project management and its importance, and explains the work of the software project manager, as well as how to plan a software project, estimation, analysis and management techniques. In this chapter, he also explains modern techniques in managing software project risks and explains how to implement and control the project and manage project communications and at the end of this The chapter lists the tools used in managing software projects.
As for the fourth chapter, it explains in detail the standards of software and its engineering, including its classifications, benefits, uses, and software measurement tools.
In the sixth chapter, this book explains the principles of planning software projects, estimating software projects, types of estimation, and methodologies used to estimate software.
In Chapter Six, this book explains in detail the risks of software projects, their management, treatment of these risks, ways to prevent them, how to deal with them, classify them, and finally the team's roles in dealing with risks and controlling them.
As for Chapter Seven: It lists in detail the system requirements specifications and their characteristics, requirements analysis, requirements diagrams, data analysis diagrams, and finally it explains the data dictionary and the importance of using it in the program requirements analysis.
In the context of that, in Chapter 8, this book explains the management of software configuration, its importance and its process, as well as it explains software quality assurance and quality activities for software and the control of these activities
For the ninth chapter: it explains the quality of software, including the quality system, the management of this system, the development of this system, the ISO 9000 certificate, its standards, and methods of obtaining it
In the tenth chapter of this book, it explains the principles of software design and design objectives, as well as the fundamentals of structural design and structural programming.
It also explains in Chapter Eleven, it explains how and methods of writing code (lines) and its objectives, explains the characteristics of programming languages, mentions the standards for writing code, and explains some instructions in writing code.
In the twelfth chapter it explains software reliability, mechanisms of program failure, techniques for measuring software reliability, product measures, measures of error and software failure, and also explains in detail reliability measures and examples of these measures.
In the thirteenth chapter, it explains software testing and its types, and also explains the different techniques for testing software, as well as the different levels of software testing.
In Chapter Fourteen, we tried as much as possible to explain the details of software maintenance operations and their types, as well as software maintenance activities and maintenance costs, in addition to software re-engineering (re-engineering).
Finally, in Chapter Fifteen, we tried as much as possible to mention the reasons for the failure of software projects. We relied on many global questionnaires targeting project managers and programmers. We mentioned the most important causes of failure and also explained how software projects succeed.
At the end of the book, a price list consists of 100 questions from all the chapters contained in the book. We hope that you will be able to solve them if you are a programmer, project manager, or even an academic, or from those behind the university walls.
We hope that you will become one of the best project managers and programmers in the world and that you will attain the highest ranks and ranks. We ask God to benefit you for this nation, as you are the hope of this nation and its safety valve.


