Protocol and dataset of the Project XpertCom - Views of Coastal Experts about Science Communication
The protocol and data refer to the methods and results of the project "XpertCom - Views of Coastal Experts about Science Communication".
Data was collected through an online questionnaire consisting of closed-ended questions to characterise the socio-demographics, know what experts think about science communication, what and how experts communicate about wetlands, online questionnaire, and how experts communicate about coastal risk (file: The_Coastal_Communication_Survey_2022.pdf).
The results of the prevalence numbers and percentages are in Tables 1 to 5 (file: The_Coastal_Communication_Survey_Results.pdf).
The results of Spearman correlation analyses, conducted using IBM SPSS Statistics, version 26, are in Tables 6 to 17 (file: Correlation_Tables.pdf). The tables display only correlation coefficients that are greater than 0.2.
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidade do Algarve (Process CEUAlg Pn28/2022).
All participants considered in this study marked the 'informed consent form' on the first page of the survey.