
O5S5: Documenting the experiences of the ASL Communities in the time of COVID-19

Version 2 2021-11-10, 20:20
Version 1 2021-11-10, 20:13
online resource
posted on 2021-11-10, 20:20 authored by Julie HochgesangJulie Hochgesang, Marjorie Bates, Ana Clark, Kayla Davis, Michael Dunham, Lucas Hamilton, Sarah Kadar, Yeh Kim, Jorge Andrés Martínez Castiblanco, Giovanni Maucere, Tayla Newman, Hallie Simmons
This is a citation for our overall documentation project and its dataset.

Our project website is here:
Our YouTube channel is here:

We intend to upload the entire set of videos, accompanying metadata, annotations and project documentation somewhere (if not here) to be archived.
