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Metadata record for the article: Tetrathiomolybdate (TM)-associated copper depletion influences collagen remodeling and immune response in the pre-metastatic niche of breast cancer

online resource
posted on 2021-08-02, 07:22 authored by Ying L. Liu, Cecilie Liv Bager, Nicholas Willumsen, Divya Ramchandani, Naomi Kornhauser, Lu Ling, Marta Cobham, Eleni Andreopoulou, Tessa Cigler, Anne Moore, Dayle LaPolla, Veronica Fitzpatrick, Maureen Ward, J David Warren, Claudia Fischbach, Vivek Mittal, Linda T. Vahdat


This metadata record provides details of the data supporting the claims of the related article: “Tetrathiomolybdate (TM)-associated copper depletion influences collagen remodeling and immune response in the pre-metastatic niche of breast cancer”.

The related study sought to elucidate the mechanism of tetrathiomolybdate (TM) by exploring its effects on collagen processing and immune function in the tumour microenvironment (TME).

Type of data: flow cytometry; clinical data

Subject of data: Homo sapiens; Mouse syngeneic TNBC cell lines EO771 (obtained from Robin Anderson lab, La Trobe University, Australia) and its lung metastatic derivative EO771.ML1 (derived according to standard protocol at Mittal lab, WCM)

Sample size: 75

Population characteristics: >=18 years of age; histologically confirmed stage II TNBC, stage III, or stage IV with no evidence of disease of all molecular subtypes; no radiographic, biochemical, or physical evidence of active breast cancer; more than 6 weeks from previous therapy including surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, biologic treatment; Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0–1 and adequate organ function.

Trial registration number: NCT00195091

Data access

The data underlying the claims of the related article are contained in the following files:

- STATA file ‘TM_Survival_Stage_12-1-2020.dta’

- STATA file ‘TM_Collagen_CPdata_Wide_1-6-2021.dta’

- GraphPad file ‘LungBLI-Flow-IF 08-21-2020.pzfx’

- GraphPad file ‘LungSampleAnalysis 09-24-2018.pzfx’ (also available in .xlsx format)

- Excel file ‘TM Demographics all 75 pts.xlsx’

- Excel file ‘AEs all pts 6-2018.xlsx’

- GraphPad file ‘LungFlow 04-28-2020.pzfx’

Authors have chosen not to share the data publicly as they contain ongoing, unpublished work included in other projects. However, the data are available upon request from the corresponding author.

Corresponding author(s) for this study

Linda T. Vahdat MD MBA. Chief, Cancer Services Memorial Sloan Kettering Physicians at Norwalk Hospital; Member, Breast Medicine Service; 300 East 66th Street, 8th Floor, NY, NY 10065. T 646.888.4282. F 646.888.4913.

Study approval

The study was conducted under Weill Cornell Medicine protocol #0309006307 and #0611008853, and under Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center protocol #18-023, and appropriate informed consent was obtained from patients. All animal work was conducted in accordance with a protocol approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Weill Cornell Medicine.


Breast Cancer Alliance (BCA) [Vahdat, MD] Susan G. Komen (Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation) [Vahdat, MD] New York Community Trust (NYCT) [Vahdat, MD] Lefkofsky Family Foundation (LFF) [Vahdat, MD] Cancer Research and Treatment, Anne Moore Breast Cancer Research Fund, Stephen and Madeline Anbinder Foundation, Berman Fund, Keith Miller Foundation, Pisani Family Fund, Margy’s Mission, Anonymous Donor, Bay Ridge Subaru, “Share the Love” campaign, TM patients and families, the National Center For Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number UL1TR000457 [Vahdat, MD] New York State Stem Cell Science (NYSTEM) - C029155 [Fischbach] U.S. Department of Health & Human Services | NIH | National Cancer Institute (NCI) - 1U54CA210184 [Fischbach]


Research Data Support

This record was produced by Springer Nature’s Research Data Support service. This service focuses on maximising the findability and accessibility of the data, and does not involve peer review of data.