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Metadata record for the article: Evaluation of multiple transcriptomic gene risk signatures in male breast cancer

online resource
posted on 2021-07-01, 08:48 authored by Jane Bayani, Coralie Poncet, Cheryl Crozier, Anouk Neven, Tammy Piper, Carrie Cunningham, Monika Sobol, Stefan Aebi, Kim Benstead, Oliver Bogler, Lissandra Dal Lago, Judith Fraser, Florentine Hilbers, Ingrid Hedenfalk, Larissa Korde, Barbro Linderholm, John Martens, Lavinia Middleton, Melissa Murray, Catherine Kelly, Cecilia Nilsson, Monika Nowaczyk, Stephanie Peeters, Aleksandra Peric, Peggy Porter, Carolien Schröder, Isabel T. Rubio, Kathryn J. Ruddy, Christi van Asperen, Danielle Van Den Weyngaert, Carolien van Deurzen, Elise van Leeuwen-Stok, Joanna Vermeij, Eric Winer, Sharon H. Giordano, Fatima Cardoso, John MS Bartlett


This metadata record provides details of the data supporting the claims of the related article: “Evaluation of multiple transcriptomic gene risk signatures in male breast cancer”.

The related study presents the gene expression results of 381 M0, ER+ve, HER2-ve male male breast cancer (BCa) patients enrolled in the Part 1 (retrospective analysis) of the International Male Breast Cancer Program, as described in

Type of data: survival analysis

Subject of data: Homo sapiens

Sample size: 381

Population characteristics: EORTC/TBCRC/BIG/NABCG International Male Breast Cancer Program enrolled male patients with histologically proven BCa, diagnosed between 1990 and 2010, across multiple participating institutions.

Data access

The data underlying the Kaplan Meier survival curves and tables that support the findings of this study are available from European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). However, the data are not publicly available and restrictions apply to their availability as they were used under license from EORTC for the current study. Data can be made available with the permission of EORTC. Data enquiries can be made to the corresponding author, and data requests can be made at

Corresponding author(s) for this study

John M. S. Bartlett. Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Diagnostic Development, MaRS Centre, 661 University Avenue, Suite 510, Toronto, ON M5G 0A3, Canada. 647-259-4251.

Study approval

Ethics approval was provided by the University of Toronto (#30035).


Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF)

Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (Institut Ontarien de Recherche sur le Cancer)


Research Data Support

This record was produced by Springer Nature’s Research Data Support service. This service focuses on maximising the findability and accessibility of the data, and does not involve peer review of data.