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Metadata record for the article: Evaluation of Overall Survival and Barriers to Surgery for Patients with Breast Cancer Treated without Surgery: A National Cancer Data Base Analysis

online resource
posted on 2021-06-15, 08:22 authored by David Boyce-Fappiano, Isabelle Bedrosian, Yu Shen, Heather Lin, Olsi Gjyshi, Alison Yoder, Simona F. Shaitelman, Wendy Woodward


This metadata record provides details of the data supporting the claims of the related article: “Evaluation of Overall Survival and Barriers to Surgery for Patients with Breast Cancer Treated without Surgery: A National Cancer Data Base Analysis”.

The related study sought to assess factors associated with lack of surgery and explore overall survival (OS) outcomes in women with breast cancer from the National Cancer Database (NCDB) treated in 2004-2016.

Type of data: retrospective cohort study data from the NCDB

Subject of data: Homo sapiens

Sample size: 1,192,294

Recruitment: The NCDB was queried for female patients aged 18 years or more with invasive primary breast cancer diagnosed from 2004 to 2016 (and subsequently for those diagnosed in or after 2010, to account for HER2 status).

Data access

The data underlying the related study are clinical and socioeconomic data from the National Cancer Database ( Interested parties can query the NCDB for female patients aged 18 years or more with invasive primary breast cancer diagnosed from 2004 to 2016. However, the data were used under license from the NCDB, and so applications to access the data must be made to the NCDB.

The analyses of the data performed for the related study are contained in the SAS file ‘ncdbjune2019.sas7bdat’. These data are also not openly available as the Data Use Agreement between the authors and the NCDB states that NCDB approval must be sought before the authors can share the data. To request access to these data, contact the corresponding author.

Corresponding author(s) for this study

Wendy Woodward, MD, PhD, Department of Radiation Oncology, Unit 1422, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 1400 Pressler St, Houston, TX 77030-4008 USA. Tel 713-563-8481.

Study approval

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center institutional review board deemed the analysis of this public database to be exempt from review because its constituent data have been anonymised and are compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and thus was approved for completion.


Research Data Support

This record was produced by Springer Nature’s Research Data Support service. This service focuses on maximising the findability and accessibility of the data, and does not involve peer review of data.