MaDiH (مديح): Mapping Digital Cultural Heritage in Jordan is an AHRC / Newton funded collaborative project between King’s Digital Lab (KDL), the Hashemite University, the Council for British Research in the Levant (CBRL), the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, the Jordanian Open Source Association, and the Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa (EAMENA) project. It is scheduled to run for two years, from February 2019 to February 2021.
MaDiH repository on CKAN, accessible at ( lists the datasets on Jordanian cultural heritage found over the course of the project and will be the core of the prototype for a National Data Catalogue of Jordanian Digital Heritage.
The MaDiH Vocabulary document (English and Arabic) illustrates the template for the data collection during the project whereas the basic CKAN template has been customised according to the suggestions of the MaDiH (مديح) Datasets Identification and Publication team (Alessandra Esposito, Shatha Mubaideen and Arzaq Yousef) supported by Pascal Flohr, MaDiH (مديح) consultant based at EAMENA, University of Oxford, and Arianna Ciula, the KDL Deputy Director. James Smithies (UK PI), Fadi Bala’awi (Jordan PI) and Carol Palmer (CBRL Director) have provided strategic guidance.
You can visit the project website at for general information on the project. MaDiH (مديح) is also on Facebook (@MaDiHJO) and Twitter (@madih_info).
If you wish to share any feedback on it, you can get in touch with the MaDiH (مديح) Team at