The following resource contains the replication package for the analysis of the results of the experiment described in the paper Gamification of Conceptual Modeling Education with UML Class Diagrams: An Experimental Analysis submitted to the journal Software and Systems Modeling. The resource contains the following files:
Gamification of Conceptual Modeling Education.xlsx An Excel file that contains the results of the analysis of the diagrams produced by the participants of the experiment, the answers to the questionnaire, and the distribution of the topics found with the open coding process when analyzing the answers to the open question.
Gamification of Conceptual Modeling Education.rmd An RMarkdown file used to execute the statistical analysis of the diagram data and to plot the qualitative analysis of the answers to the different questions of the questionnaire.
Gamification of Conceptual Modeling A compressed folder that contains all the diagrams produced by the participants that have been analyzed.
Gamification of Conceptual Modeling Education - Mapping.xlsx An Excel file that contains the results of the mapping study performed in the literature to identify the existing gamified tools and serious games for the Background section. The file contains one sheet that lists all papers encounter in the first search, as well as those added after the research, and another sheet that lists information about the selected papers