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FlakyFix: Using Large Language Models for Predicting Flaky Test Fix Categories and Test Code Repair

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posted on 2024-05-16, 22:01 authored by Sakina FatimaSakina Fatima

This is the replication package associated with the paper: 'FlakyFix: Using Large Language Models for Predicting Flaky Test Fix Categories and Test for Code Repair'

### Requirements

This is a list of all required python packages:








#Automated tool for labelling dataset with flaky test fix categories

This is a step-by-step guideline for automatically labelling dataset with flaky test fix categories

### Input Files:

This is a an input file that is required to accomplish this step:

* Data/IdoFT_dataset_filtered.csv

### Output Files:

* Results/IdoFT_dataset_filtered.csv

### Replicating the experiment

This experiment can be executed using the following commands after navigating to the `Code\` folder:




It will generate the dataset required to run our prediction models to predict the category of the fix, given a flaky test code


# Prediction models for fix categories using the test case code

This is the guideline for replicating the experiments we used to evaluate our prediction models i.e. CodeBERT and UniXcoder (fine-tuned with Few Shot Learning and Feed Forward Neural Network independently) for classifying tests with different fix categories.

### Input Files:

This is a list of input files that are required to perform the binary classification for each fix category:

* Data/change_assertion.csv










### Replicating the experiment

To run experiment with our prediction model, navigate to the `Code\` folder and run the following commands:





# Generate the repaired flaky tests using GPT 3.5 Turbo:

Input Files:

This is a an input file that is required to accomplish this step:

### Experiments on the 181 tests using prompts with and without labels:

* Data/Dataset_for_GPT.csv

### Experiments on the tests using prompts with, without labels and in-context learning:

###For Change Assertion:

* Data/change_assertion_input_FSP.csv

###For Change Condition:

* Data/change_condition_input_FSP.csv

###For Change DataStructure:

* Data/change_dataStructure_input_FSP.csv

To run this experiment, navigate to the `Code\` folder and run the following commands:




# Execute a sample of GPT-reapired flaky tests:

Input Files:

This is a an input file that is required to accomplish this step:

* Data/sampleTests_For_Execution.csv

To execute the 35 GPT-repaired flaky tests:

-First Clone the Github project (From the 'PR Link' column in the sampleTests_For_Execution.csv file)

-Checkout on the the commit of the given PR link (if merged, checkout on the master branch)

-Navigate to the project folder and run command:


*mvn clean test -Dtest=[Test Class Name]#[Test Method Name] -DfailIfNoTests=false

