Concept Note_ Artificial Intelligence and Green Energy in Africa_06_03_24.pdf (299.41 kB)

Artificial Intelligence and Green Energy in Africa

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posted on 2024-05-22, 19:41 authored by Research ICT Africa (RIA)Research ICT Africa (RIA)

Climate change has been identified as the leading planetary crisis of the 21st century. Although it affects everyone in the world, there is no continent more vulnerable to the negative consequences of climate change than Africa (World Meteorological Organisation, 2019). In 2022 weather, climate, and water-related hazards directly affected over 110 million people across the continent, costing more than USD 8.5 billion in economic damages (World Meteorological Organisation, 2023). This is despite the fact that Africa contributes to only 3.8% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as compared to China, the US, and the EU, which contribute 23%, 19%, and 13%, respectively (CDP, 2020). Climate change harms livelihoods, ecosystems, and economies, fuels displacement, and exacerbates conflict
