4 files

Model data for BSafeML: A Model-Based Hazard Management Technique for Safety-Critical Systems Development

Version 2 2023-08-07, 10:23
Version 1 2023-05-16, 12:30
posted on 2023-08-07, 10:23 authored by Michael Cutajar, Siyuan JiSiyuan Ji

BSafeML is a SysML and SafeML profile that provides a model-based approach to hazard management. In this repository, we provide the relevant research data that are being cited in the paper, titled, 'BSafeML: A Model-based Hazard Management Technique based on SysML and SafeML'.

There are four pieces of research data included

  • Research Data A, which includes the XML file for the BSafeML profile that can be imported in any modeling environment, a 'readme' file that provides the instruction on how the profile can be imported and used in Sparx Enterprise Architect, and the application of BSafeML to the GDF case study.
  • Research Data B, which is a text-based definition of BSafeML, to facilitate independent implementation of BSafeML.
  • Research Data C, which includes diagrams extracted from the model as in Research Data A.
  • Research Data D, which is the questionnaire designed to qualitatively evaluate BSafeML with relevant stakeholders.



  • Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering