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...6767... Draw Bridge [image by Andrew Selby]

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posted on 2017-01-25, 10:04 authored by Andrew SelbyAndrew Selby
An exhibition examining drawing practice through research, enterprise and teaching synergies between two countries and cultures Concept The School of the Arts at Loughborough University (LU) utilizes drawing and visualization as a primary research and development tool through its practice-based research, taught curricula and, increasingly, in its enterprise aspirations. The notion of applied drawing and visualisation methodologies can be evidenced by the research specialisms of staff, many of who class the process of drawing as central to their investigative enquiry. Fostering a personalized approach to the use and engagement with drawing is seen as integral to research gathering, subjective interrogation, and critical thinking, with drawing being recognized as a design development tool. As well as being evident in the final image making it can be found in many forms evidencing process and validating purpose. This exhibition aims to examine the intrinsic role and application of drawing across a selected range of creative practice and the participants featured have been specifically selected as key exponents utilizing drawing and visualization for these purposes. The exhibition presents an insight into the nature of their own working process and how this impacts their research and entrepreneurial practice. The exhibition also seeks to identify parallel practice between Nanyang Academy of Fine Art (NAFA) and LU given the commonality of their taught curriculum and the diversity of cultural backgrounds. The outcome of the exhibition will identify areas of convergence, divergence and future collaborative practice that develop significant research, increased pedagogical orientation and impact to shared global cultural and creative industries.



  • The Arts, English and Drama


  • Arts




Presented by Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) and Loughborough University. © Andrew Selby


  • VoR (Version of Record)

Publisher statement

This work is made available according to the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence. Full details of this licence are available at:

Publication date



The work by Andrew Selby was published in the catalogue documenting the ...6767...Drawbridge exhibition, which took place in Singapore 11 April - 20 May 2014. This was a joint exhibition between staff from Nan Yang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore, and staff from School of the Arts, Loughborough University. 6767 is the distance in miles between the 2 institutions and drawing was seen as the medium to draw the 2 institutions together and bridge the distance. The exhibition exhibited a range of processes, mediums, materials and practice through the application of drawing.


  • en


Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Gallery 1 & 2, Singapore

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