We provide videos of 9 rocky intertidal locations along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. These locations were used to study benthic-pelagic coupling and bottom-up forcing on this coast (Scrosati & Ellrich 2018).
Scrosati, R. A. & J. A. Ellrich (2018) Benthic-pelagic coupling and bottom-up forcing in rocky intertidal communities along the Atlantic Canadian coast. Ecosphere 9 (5): article e02229. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.222
Canada Research Chairs program (CRC grant #210283 awarded to RAS), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC Discovery Grant #311624 awarded to RAS), Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI Leaders Opportunity Grant #202034 awarded to RAS), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD Postdoctoral Scholarship #91617093 awarded to JAE)