Au2020_MedPhys_SupplVid2.mp4 (12.38 MB)

Au Med Phys 2020 Video S2

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posted on 2020-02-18, 20:24 authored by Jason AuJason Au, Billy Yiu, Hélène So, Adrian Chee, Danielle Greaves, Richard Hughson, Alfred Yu

Ultrasound vector projectile imaging of Individual B (healthy 23 year old man).

This video has been included as supporting information in the following article: Au et al. Ultrasound vector projectile imaging for detection of altered carotid bifurcation hemodynamics during reductions in cardiac output. Med Physics 2020; 47:431-440.

Re-distribution of this 'Supporting Information' is publicly available as per Wiley's standard author Copyright Transfer Agreement.


CIHR PJT-153240

NSERC CREATE-528202-2019

CFI 36138

Ontario Early Researcher Award ER16-12-186

CIHR MFE-152454
