12915_2021_1083_MOESM3_ESM.avi (7.78 MB)

Additional file 3 of Transcription-dependent confined diffusion of enzymes within subcellular spaces of the bacterial cytoplasm

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posted on 2021-09-03, 03:29 authored by Daniel A. O. Rotter, Christoph Heger, Luis M. Oviedo-Bocanegra, Peter L. Graumann
Additional file 3: Movie S2. SPT of tracked PSFs derived from RibH-mV using U-Track. Fluorescence signal is derived from B. subtilis live cells producing the fluorescent fusion enzyme RibH-mV excited at 514 nm in a ΔribE deletion strain background. Displayed are stream acquisitions of 100 frames taken in 13.76 ms time intervals (12 ms integration time). Resulting trajectories from successful PSF localization and subsequent tracking are shown as red lines. Movie is shown in real time with 72.3 frames per second (fps). Cells have a size between 2 μm and 4 μm in length.


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung Philipps-Universität Marburg (1009)
