pbio.3002454.s002.pdf (108.71 kB)

P. fluorescens grown at 22°C kills M. xanthus within 30 minutes of interaction.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-23, 18:23 authored by Marie Vasse, Francesca Fiegna, Ben Kriesel, Gregory J. Velicer

M. xanthus population sizes 30 minutes after inoculation onto P. fluorescens lawns grown overnight from one of 3 inoculum sizes and at one of 3 temperatures (green dots) or onto bacteria-free control plates that had been incubated overnight at one of the same 3 temperatures prey (black dots). Means of log10-transformed CFU + 1 values and 95% confidence intervals are shown. Note that, due to a technical issue with dilution plating for 1 replicate of the 12°C treatment, the highest available plated dilution was too low to accurately count colonies; the corresponding plates had more colonies than could feasibly be counted. We therefore attributed counts of 1,000 for these plates, which was clearly a substantial underestimate in each case. These underestimated values are identified in the graph with red circles around corresponding data points. Lighter dots are biological replicates (n = 3). The dataset for this figure and the R script used to analyze it and make the figure are available on Zenodo (10.5281/zenodo.10214013).

