pbio.3001478.s002.pdf (809.7 kB)

Western blot of SPO11, CAS9, and eGFP in adult testis.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-12-23, 18:48 authored by Alexander J. Weitzel, Hannah A. Grunwald, Ceri Weber, Rimma Levina, Valentino M. Gantz, Stephen M. Hedrick, Ethan Bier, Kimberly L. Cooper

(A–C) Western blot of (A) SPO11, (B) CAS9, and (C) eGFP on 3 wild-type and 3 Spo11Cas9-P2A-eGFP/+ adult testes. (A’–C’) Serially-stained membranes adding anti β-ACTIN to detect the loading control. PP, Precision Plus Ladder; MM, MagicMark Ladder. The raw gel images can be found at the associated Zenodo data repository ( in the file labeled “S1 Raw Images.pdf.”

