pone.0286440.s003.pdf (1.65 MB)

Visualization of protein-protein interaction network by String of proteins negatively controled by AlgU.

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-11-15, 18:38 authored by Sangita Chowdhury-Paul, Iliana C. Martínez-Ortíz, Victoria Pando-Robles, Soledad Moreno, Guadalupe Espín, Enrique Merino, Cinthia Núñez

184 up-regulated proteins in the absence of the sigma factor AlgU, during encysting conditions were analyzed. Interaction nodes such as those constituted by proteins involved in amino acids (green circle), aminoacyl-tRNA (cyan circle), or fatty acid (black circle) biosynthesis are indicated. Disconnected nodes are hided; the network was generated using an interaction score of 0.7.

