pone.0298636.s001.docx (171.8 kB)

Violin plot based on pairwise Nei’ distances of 109 parental lines based on GBS identified 16,472 SNPs; B-lines (41), R-lines (68) and between B and R lines.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-02-23, 19:04 authored by Kuldeep Kandarkar, Viswanathan Palaniappan, Subhrajit Satpathy, Anilkumar Vemula, Ravikesavan Rajasekaran, Prabhakaran Jeyakumar, Nakkeeran Sevugaperumal, Shashi Kumar Gupta

Violin plot based on pairwise Nei’ distances of 109 parental lines based on GBS identified 16,472 SNPs; B-lines (41), R-lines (68) and between B and R lines.
