pone.0292593.s001.docx (27.12 kB)

Values of the physico-chemical variables measured in transects sampled perpendicular to the coastline off the San Giorgio vent area.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-02-08, 18:27 authored by Michela D’Alessandro, Maria Cristina Gambi, Matteo Bazzarro, Cinzia Caruso, Marcella Di Bella, Valentina Esposito, Alessandro Gattuso, Salvatore Giacobbe, Martina Kralj, Francesco Italiano, Gianluca Lazzaro, Giuseppe Sabatino, Lidia Urbini, Cinzia De Vittor

TR1 = central transect intercept the points of highest bottom flow of emissions. TR2 = transect moving eastward in correspondence with the last emissions visible. TR3, about 100 m far from TR2. TR4 = transect moving westward in correspondence with the last emissions visible. TR5 = about 100 m far from TR4. In each transect four sampling stations (SG) were located at 1, 20, 40 and 80 m away from the shoreline, reaching 4.5 m of maximum depth.

