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Unconditional (marginalized) estimates and 95% credible intervals for lnRR and lnCVR, obtained from multilevel regression (MLMR) models of infarct volume in treatment/control groups.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-05-19, 17:49 authored by Takuji Usui, Malcolm R. Macleod, Sarah K. McCann, Alistair M. Senior, Shinichi Nakagawa

Treatment effects (DrugGroup) are ordered from groups that produce, on average, the greatest reduction in infarct volume (i.e., the most effective, as indicated by most negative estimates of lnRR) to groups that are, on average, the least effective. lnCVR, log coefficient of variation ratio; lnRR, log response ratio; MLMR, multilevel meta-regression.

