pone.0257404.s007.docx (8.72 kB)

Two-factor generalized linear statistical models comparing pre-/post-assessment score differences and pre-assessment scores†.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-10, 17:43 authored by Adam J. Kleinschmit, Elizabeth F. Ryder, Jacob L. Kerby, Barbara Murdoch, Sam Donovan, Nealy F. Grandgenett, Rachel E. Cook, Chamindika Siriwardana, William Morgan, Mark Pauley, Anne Rosenwald, Eric Triplett, William Tapprich

†Two factors: university type (Primarily Undergraduate Institution (PUI) vs. Research Intensive Institution (RI)) and course type. The base model is General Biology taught at a research-intensive institution. The intercept is associated with the base model and indicates the mean pre-/post- difference for the ’Difference in Pre-/Post-Assessment Score’ and the mean pre-score for the ’Pre-Assessment Score’ table sections, respectively. As indicated by the intercept, the base course exhibited significant learning gains; other RI courses had significantly higher estimates (p < 0.05) of average gains, while the average gains amongst PUI courses did not differ significantly (p > 0.05). SE = standard error; Significance, * = p<0.05, ** = p<0.01, *** = p<0.001. n = 373.

