pone.0297536.s005.docx (13.46 kB)

Total number of trainable and non-trainable parameters of the CNN model.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-03-13, 17:36 authored by Kyung Won Kwon, Seong Hyeon Park, Dong Hoon Lee, Dong-Young Kim, Il-Ho Park, Hyun-Jin Cho, Jong Seung Kim, Joo Yeon Kim, Sang Duk Hong, Shin Ae Kim, Shin Hyuk Yoo, Soo Kyoung Park, Sung Jae Heo, Sung Hee Kim, Tae-Bin Won, Woo Ri Choi, Yong Min Kim, Yong Wan Kim, Jong-Yeup Kim, Jae Hwan Kwon, Myeong Sang Yu

Total number of trainable and non-trainable parameters of the CNN model.
