pone.0257905.s004.pdf (101.65 kB)

Time series of the distance d between the Cαs of L486 of RBD1 and L79 of ACE2 and F486 of RBD2 and L79 of ACE2.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-28, 17:37 authored by Van A. Ngo, Ramesh K. Jha

Dashed lines indicate the starting point of independent simulations with the indicated numbers. The value of d ≥ 23 (Fig 3B) occurs a few times in case of RBD1-ACE2. Overall, the interactions between L486 and L79 in RBD1-ACE2 complex is shown to be weaker than corresponding F486 and L79 in RBD2-ACE2.

