pbio.3002512.s004.pdf (314.77 kB)

Theta-gamma PAC in the hippocampus and ventral auditory stream correlates with behavior.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-03-05, 18:29 authored by Arthur Borderie, Anne Caclin, Jean-Philippe Lachaux, Marcela Perrone-Bertollotti, Roxane S. Hoyer, Philippe Kahane, Hélène Catenoix, Barbara Tillmann, Philippe Albouy

Left panel: SEEG contacts showing a positive (hot colormap) and negative (blue colormap) relationship between theta-gamma PAC and performance using data from conditions performed by all 16 participants (6 tones encoding 2 s retention and 6 tones encoding 8 s retention). Results are displayed on the single subject T1 in the MNI space provided by SPM12.

