pone.0256181.s002.docx (8.84 MB)

The file have details for S1-S44 Figs, S1-S3 Tables and S1-S6 Notes.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-13, 17:36 authored by Hemant Bengani, Detelina Grozeva, Lambert Moyon, Shipra Bhatia, Susana R. Louros, Jilly Hope, Adam Jackson, James G. Prendergast, Liusaidh J. Owen, Magali Naville, Jacqueline Rainger, Graeme Grimes, Mihail Halachev, Laura C. Murphy, Olivera Spasic-Boskovic, Veronica van Heyningen, Peter Kind, Catherine M. Abbott, Emily Osterweil, F. Lucy Raymond, Hugues Roest Crollius, David R. FitzPatrick

