pone.0246763.s012.docx (12.93 kB)

The amino acids of TaAAP2, TaAAP13, and TaAAP21 complementation in yeast mutants.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-02-19, 18:38 authored by Yongfang Wan, Yan Wang, Zhiqiang Shi, Doris Rentsch, Jane L. Ward, Kirsty Hassall, Caroline A. Sparks, Alison K. Huttly, Peter Buchner, Stephen Powers, Peter R. Shewry, Malcolm J. Hawkesford

Cross (×) represents that the AAP is unable to transport this amino acid; Tick (√) represents that the AAP is able to transport this amino acid. † indicates the TaAAP is unable to complement yeast mutant at low Arginine concentration 0.5g/l, but is weakly complement yeast mutant at high Arginine concentration at 1g/l.

