Amidst the New Normal of Education The Resilience and Academic Burnout Among Filipino Tertiary Students.pdf (132.42 kB)

Amidst the New Normal of Education: The Resilience and Academic Burnout Among Filipino Tertiary Students

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Version 4 2021-12-30, 23:46
Version 3 2021-12-30, 23:44
Version 2 2021-12-30, 23:44
Version 1 2021-12-30, 22:46
journal contribution
posted on 2021-12-30, 23:46 authored by Jhoselle TusJhoselle Tus
This study examines the relationship between resilience and academic burnout among 605 tertiary students in the Philippines taking medicine courses. Correlation research suggests that resilience and academic burnout are significantly related. In conclusion, this study indicates that most students had moderate levels of academic burnout. In terms of resilience, medicine students had moderate to high levels of resilience. Regarding the negative correlation between resilience skills and academic burnout, face-to-face or virtual workshops are recommended to be held to enhance students’ resilience skills.
