pone.0298636.s002.docx (6.3 MB)

The Linkage Disequilibrium pattern based on 16,472 SNPs identified via GBS; is depicted in a Triangle plot for all seven chromosomes.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-02-23, 19:04 authored by Kuldeep Kandarkar, Viswanathan Palaniappan, Subhrajit Satpathy, Anilkumar Vemula, Ravikesavan Rajasekaran, Prabhakaran Jeyakumar, Nakkeeran Sevugaperumal, Shashi Kumar Gupta

Illustrating LD among SNPs across each chromosome. Pairwise LD values were graphically represented on the X- and Y-axes, with the above diagonal indicating the squared correlation coefficient (r2), and the below diagonal indicating the corresponding P-value.

