pone.0258876.s002.pdf (476.12 kB)

The AR NTD also binds to the catalytic domains of KDM4B and KDM4C.

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-01-05, 18:26 authored by Carlos M. Roggero, Victoria Esser, Lingling Duan, Allyson M. Rice, Shihong Ma, Ganesh V. Raj, Michael K. Rosen, Zhi-Ping Liu, Josep Rizo

A. Model of how AR interacts with KDM4A. The model predicts that binding involves interactions of the AR NTD and DBD domains with the catalytic domain of KDM4A, as well as of the AR LBD with the region of KDM4A spanning residues 301–708. Intramolecular interactions between the DBD and LBD domains are postulated to hinder the DBD/KD4MA interactions. B. The diagrams show superpositions of 1H-15N TROSY-HSQC spectra of 15N-KDM4B(1–348) (left) or 15N-KDM4C(1–350) (right) alone (black contours) or in the presence of equimolar amounts of unlabeled AR-NTD-DBD (red).

